Our services in the life science industry
Discover what Bespoke Biotech Advisory can do for your business and how. Yes, We provide expert advice on Market and Managerial Trends as well as successful applications, we provide Expertise by seniority as well as Insight, but we double down on Execution.

- Strategy (Setting and Execution)
- Go to Market
- Marketing & Sales
- Business Development (Partnerships, Licensings, Lead Generation, Sales Channels)
- M&A, Fund Raising
- Technology Scouting
- Digital Transformation and Integration aligned to Company Strategy (Study,Plan,Do)
- Organization and Change; Temporary INSIDE engagements
- Biotechnological products and ancillary services
- Digital Health and Precision Medicine
- Diagnostics and Medical Devices
- Nutraceuticals and Cosmeceutics
- Vaccines and infectious diseases
SME’s with expansion and enhancement goals, Start Ups -Scale Ups or projects at stage TRL 6/7 or microbusiness from stage CM 4/5
with or without specific knowledge of industry and segments
Achieve consistent, long-term growth
We help our customers develop a corporate strategy that focuses on sustainable goals, allowing them to maximise the potential of their distinctive expertise and expand using repeatable model.
Make key decision
on where to play and how to win by developing a strategy that takes a specific business to its full potential.
Develop digital strategies that deliver
to support the core strategy, with a unique approach that combines near-term, high-impact initiatives with a bold medium long term vision for how your company will compete as digital reshapesa the industry.
Leverage the power of our tools and techniques to ensure execution of strategy
Our structured approach to innovation combines the company's talents to create solutions, including Business Models, that enhance strategy.
DESIGN... we close the gap.... DELIVER

Value proposition for the customer
- The “WHO” id
- What needs to be done to solve “THE NEED” in a distinctive way
- Define the offer BOTH the WHAT and the HOW
Profit Formula
- Revenue Model
- Cost structure
- Margins Model (GP EBITDA)
- Resources Interaction Speed (Lead Times, Throughput, Stock Turnover, etc.)
Key Resources to deliver the Value Proposition
- People
- Technologies, Products, Services
- PP&E's and Intangible Assets
- Information
- Channels
- Partnerships & Alliances
- Brand
Processes, Standards and Key Rules
- Processes: e.g. Product Development, Production, Marketing ..
- Rules and KPIs: e.g. Lead Times, payment terms, selection and hiring methods, etc.
- Standards: e.g. levels of investment, methods of approaching customers, etc.