Publications and scientific papers
A selection of research and related publications is highlighted, with reference to some of the Startup-Growups with which we collaborate and which we are pleased to highlight for the distinctiveness of the solution and the evidences achieved.

It is only a limited list of what we manage to intercept in our business.
If you want more information or you are looking for collaboration or investment opportunities, contact us.
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NatiMab Therapeutics Srl
Early Diagnosis of PDAC
A multi-years research developed by associate scientists, now board members of NatiMab, are opening a potential breakthrough in the Pancreatic Ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC).
PDAC is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in western countries with an overall 5-year survival rate of less than 5% [Hidalgo M, N Engl J Med 2010, 362:1605; Jemal A, CA Cancer J Clin 2010, 60:277].
Freedomwaves Srl
Modulated Ultrasound Waves to reshape Drug Delivery
Freedom Waves Srl is developing an innovative medical device - WAVER - that allows to reshape drug delivery and internalization performances in several significant applications. The disruptive proprietary technology improves therapeutic effectiveness, reducing side effects on other tissues, operating as a game changer on the overall clinical environment.
Umbria Bioengineering Technology Srl -UBT
Revolutionary mammographic system by using low-power microwaves
MammoWave® is a revolutionary system providing mammographic analysis, using completely safe low-power microwaves, providing patient friendly safe diagnosis (no compression of the breast), providing superior diagnostic outcomes (neglectable level of false positives) that are tissue (and therefore age) independent. And all of this against decreased costs (Lower system costs, shorter time to result, no special operator training needed).
Ulisse Biomed SPA – Theranostics platform
UlisseBiomedS.p.A. (UBM) is an Italian Healthcare Biotech company active in the development of: i) molecular diagnostic RT- PCR assays; ii) nano-switches for therapeutic drug monitoring of biologic therapies; and iii) anti-viral aptamers for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes.
Three proprietary Technology Platforms: SagittaTM, NanoHybridTM and Aptavir